Protect yourseldf with This one or That one? I don't know!
The bukard-kind with the revolving tape on the left or the ionic type on the right. It looks like the one on the left will point directly into a cloud of spores like a windwvane, but the one on the right sucks the spores down inside like a vaccum. Maybe a combanation of them both would work best. The Buktart one looks best.
I asked about the costs of that spore trap from Burkart Manufacturing in England today and will porbaly order it if it if isnt too much money. They say its only good for 7 more days then I think you have replace the sticky paper inside, called the Melinex tape, sort of like fly paper I guess...SUPER-STICKY!!!
If you want one just go to http://www.burkard.co.uk/7dayst.htm
Everyone at the store says I should tweeet all the latest stuff but Im only using twitter for emergencies and spore-warning levels and when I have new information on the inforamtion site. I have gotten some emails from people asking about me and different stuff and one guy who is a so-called scientist but but doesnt believe there is even any threat of danger from any spores! I told him that what about blastospores and radiation and even deadly spores that ecsape from germ-warfare plants? He doesnt believe anything and said I was
'peer-reviewed' whatever that means. Well too bad for him because of this I found at FAT KNOWLEDGE:
Brand New Fungus Spores Found in Chernobl Nuclear Factories:
Doesnt that mean anythingt to you? If you can just read the facts then everthing will become way clearer to you!
Anyway, I will soon be testing the Blastospore Advance Defenser (B.A.D) simulator that Im making with my friend Kacey but this its a lot of work.
Sporangiospores: Hundreds formed within a sac at the end of an aerial hypha (see previous post)